Palm Plant Care

Palm Plant


Common Varieties: Areca, Bamboo, Cat Palm, Majesty, Parlor, Bella


Fun Fact: Palm fronds (leaves) come in two shapes. The pinnate (featherlike) fronds have leaflets attached to a single leaf axis, while the palmate (fan-shaped) is a rounder shape with all the leaflets spreading out from the same point, like a hand.


Thrives under bright light and can be moved outdoors during warm months (keep out of direct afternoon sun as the leaves will “burn”).  


Ideal between 65 and 80 °F. High humidity is preferred. Keep your palm away from drafts.


Once-twice a week during summer, once a week during winter. If your plant is outdoors increase watering. Palms prefer moist soil with drainage. Allow the top inch to dry between waterings and don’t let the palms sit in water. Fluorinated water can affect the plant so distilled is preferred.  


Standard potting soil is fine. Ideally a well-draining, peat-based potting mix to allow for proper drainage and acidity.


Fertilize from spring to early fall with a liquid house plant fertilizer, following label instructions. Do not fertilize in the winter.  


Palms are slower growers indoors and like to be slightly cramped in a container with ample drainage. It is best to repot every 1-2 years to refresh the potting mix and remove any fertilizer salt deposits that may have built up in the container. You may choose to re-use your pot or go up no more than 20% in container size.   


Prune your plant by cutting off leaves at the base of the leaf. 


The easiest way to propagate is to divide a plant you already have into multiple plants at the roots, or split the plant. You can gently pull a mature plant apart into two or three sections at the root ball, then re-pot with fresh soil and water well. Watering the day before you plant to divide your plant will make this process easier.


Palms are non-toxic to pets and humans. Yay! 



Leaf Burn: This means the tips and leaves have turned yellow or brown. Because plants like to keep us guessing, this may be caused by a number of factors, including drafty air, overwatering, underwatering, poor soil or being too root bound. Trim discolored leaves, check your soil quantity/quality, be sure your plant isn’t next to a vent and evaluate your watering frequency. Palms are resilient and will usually snap out of it pretty quickly.


Pests: We recommend preventative care for pests if you choose to move your plant outdoors during the warm months. While transitioning your plant back indoors, start by bringing it in you garage for longer and longer periods of time each day and checking for pests in the soil and leaves. Once you return it to the house full time, dose it with a pest preventative and “quarantine” your plant from other plants for 4 weeks.


With their showy fronds and tropical vibes, palms make a great accent to any well-lit room. We love their versatility and encourage you to explore the multitude of palm varieties available!


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